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Symptoms of Failure
Curated by Del Lumanta
Exhibited at Firstdraft Gallery, Sydney, 2014

De–composition (In which all the forms fall down), 64.4 x 48.2 cm, 2014

You'll never make it, 76.8 x 106 cm, 2014

Lapidarium, 15.6 x 11 cm, 2011

Psychic paramount, 27 x 19 cm, 2014

Stone cold, 7 x 9.5 cm, 2011

Stone cold (stare), 13 x 18 cm, 2011

Gradual decline, 23 x 32.75 cm 2011



Three Weeks (King Street), 2014
for the Symptoms of Failure Zine

L: De-composition (Cafe De Wheels), 2014 – R: True Norwegian Black Metal, 2011
for the Symptoms of Failure Zine